
Sitting in the Power - Meditation

For those of you who would like to try regular meditation at home but don't always seem to have time to do it, 'sitting in the power' can build your power up very effectively and you can choose to so it for as little as five minutes or as long as an hour if it feels right for you.

If you would like to give this a try, find yourself a quiet space (with relaxing / spiritual music if you want it). Sit down and make sure you are comfortable. Take your awareness, to begin with, down to your feet and feel them firmly rooted to the floor - then allow them to relax. 

Continue this relaxation technique by taking your awareness up to your legs and then your thighs, feeling them relax and let go of tension and keeping going with this right through your body, to the top of your head.

Try to still your mind as much as you can by letting go of your thoughts (but do not worry if your mind wanders, just naturally bring it back to the quiet again). Then bring your awareness to your natural breathing rhythm, taking natural breaths in and out.

In your mind's eye, imagine a golden ball of light all around you, your cloak of protection as you begin a sensitive journey into the spiritual world.

As you are breathing, feel you spiritual energy (from the centre of your stomach, or solar plexus) growing within you and expanding, as if it were a bright light filled with a great energy.

Visualise / sense yourself growing and expanding.........growing and expanding..........so that you are reaching upwards and outwards, floating into the world of nature and up towards the higher universe.

As you stretch yourself higher and higher you become aware of a pure white beam of light, filled with a great powerful energy and the feeling of pure love. Allow yourself to be immersed in the white light and feel the strength of this great loving and guiding power. 

This is the energy of the Spirit World and as you release all worries, thoughts and inhibitions, be aware that you are embracing a wonderful Spirit energy, and that this energy is at one with you in this amazing moment.

In your mind, ask for your Spirit Guides / loved ones who have passed, to draw close to you and touch you with a sensation that really helps you feel you are not alone. Do not be afraid, blend yourself with this great power and know that in this moment you are surrounded by their presence and love to guide you and help you to tap into your higher spirituality

This is such a beautiful experience, you can just be yourself, encompassed with a great and powerful love, with no expectations or negativity around you. Sit in this power, rejuvenate yourself and stay with it for as long as you feel comfortable there.

This is the time to build special connections with those that guide and help you from Spirit. We all have guides who hold our hand and assist us throughout our lifetime, they are just waiting to be invited into your awareness, to build powerful connections to you that can give you tools to help you cope with life when you need that extra support.

Sit in the power with them and then, when you feel the time is right, thank them in your mind for drawing close to you, release your link with them and imagine you can see a door close behind them, so that you can freely return to your  everyday state of awareness.

Start the journey back into your self, bringing your own power, revitalised and stronger, back into your own body. Feel your feet once more on the floor and your body firmly in the chair, then wriggle your fingers and toes to bring the sensations back to your body and the here and now.

Sit for a moment to allow your mind to return to the everyday and finally, visualise a golden cloak wrapping itself around you to keep you safe and well.

The more you are able to give yourself this time to connect with your own spirit and the Spirit World (particularly if you are keen to develop your spirituality and mediumistic connections), the stronger your links will become. Record any experiences you have so that you can look back and sometimes even get answers to questions you have about your life's journey.

If you have any further questions or queries about this meditation, or I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Good luck on your spiritual journey



The 'Estate Agent' Psychic Exercise

The 'Estate Agent' exercise is a good exercise for linking PSYCHICALLY with living people. For this exercise, you need to work in twos and each person needs to make a connection to the energy of your partner. To do this, close your eyes and imagine your body is being filled with a pure, bright golden light, which fills the whole of your being. Then, take your awareness to the centre of your stomach area; your SOLAR PLEXUS region, and feel the golden light form into a golden thread that you can send out, connecting to your partner’s SOLAR PLEXUS energy.
You then visualise your partner standing in front of you and see them leading you to the front door of a house/flat/bungalow etc that is familiar to them. In your mind, your partner then opens the door of this property to let you inside , and this is your opportunity to explore the house, allowing yourself to be drawn to various rooms, objects, decor and so on. After you have each made the connection, you then discuss together what you each have seen, felt or heard, hopefully getting confirmation that you are right!!
This is a very safe exercise that you can use at home to practice PSYCHIC connections. If you need further help or advice, feel free to contact me either by e-mail (shelley.josephs@btinternet.com)or you can go to my Facebook Page ‘Open Spiritual Development Group’! 

© Shelley Lamprell-Josephs - Nov 2012